* denotes equal contribution. $\dagger$ denotes corresponding authors.
- Zhen Zhao, Ye Liu, Meng Zhao, Di Yin, Yixuan Yuan, and Luping Zhou $\dagger$. “Rethinking Data Perturbation and Model Stabilization for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11903 (2023).
- Lihe Yang, Bingyi Kang, Zilong Huang, Zhen Zhao, Xiaogang Xu, Jiashi Feng, and Hengshuang Zhao $\dagger$. “Depth Anything V2.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09414 (2024).
- Sifan Long, Linbin Wang, Zhen Zhao, Zichang Tan, Yiming Wu, Shengsheng Wang $\dagger$, and Jingdong Wang $\dagger$. “Training-Free Unsupervised Prompt for Vision-Language Models.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.16339 (2024).
- Qihe Pan, Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Yiming Wu $\dagger$, Sifan Long, Haoran Liang, and Ronghua Liang. “SOEDiff: Efficient Distillation for Small Object Editing.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.09114 (2024).
- Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Erjian Guo, and Luping Zhou $\dagger$. “Clean Label Disentangling for Medical Image Segmentation with Noisy Labels.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16580 (2023).
- Zhen Zhao, Z. Wang, Longyue Wang $\dagger$, Dian Yu, Yixuan Yuan, Luping Zhou, “Alternate Diverse Teaching for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation”, ECCV, 2024.
- Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Yiming Wu, Luping Zhou, Dong Xu $\dagger$, “Progressive Target-Styled Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds”, ECCV, 2024.
- Yunxin Li, Haoyuan Shi, Baotian Hu $\dagger$, Longyue Wang $\dagger$, Jiashun Zhu, Jinyi Xu, Zhen Zhao, Min Zhang, “Anim-Director: A Large Multimodal Model Powered Agent for Controllable Animation Video Generation”, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2024.
- Sifan Long*, Zhen Zhao*, Junkun Yuan*, Zichang Tan, Jiangjiang Liu, J. Feng, Shengsheng Wang $\dagger$ and Jingdong Wang $\dagger$,”Mutual Prompt Leaning for Vision Language Models”, IJCV, 2024 (accepted).
- Duan, Yue, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, and Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$. “Roll with the Punches: Expansion and Shrinkage of Soft Label Selection for Semi-supervised Fine-Grained Learning.” In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 11829-11837. 2024.
- Zhenhua Xu, Yujia Zhang, Enze Xie, Zhen Zhao, Yong Guo, Kenneth KY Wong, Zhenguo Li, and Hengshuang Zhao $\dagger$. “Drivegpt4: Interpretable end-to-end autonomous driving via large language model.”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024 (accepted).
- Qihe Pan, Zhen Zhao, Zicheng Wang, Sifan Long, Yiming Wu $\dagger$, Wei Ji, and Ronghua Liang. “Towards Small Object Editing: A Benchmark Dataset and A Training-Free Approach”, ACM MM 2024.
- Zhanyu Wang, Longyue Wang, Zhen Zhao, Minghao Wu, Chenyang Lyu, Huayang Li, Deng Cai, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, Shuming Shi, and Zhaopeng Tu. “Gpt4video: A unified multimodal large language model for lnstruction-followed understanding and safety-aware generation”, ACM MM (Oral) 2024.
- Zhen Zhao, Lihe Yang, Sifan Long, Jimin Pi, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, Jingdong Wang $\dagger$, “Augmentation Matters: A Simple-yet-Effective Approach to Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation”, CVPR, 2023
- Sifan Long*, Zhen Zhao*, Jimin Pi, Shengsheng Wang $\dagger$, Jingdong Wang $\dagger$, “Beyond Attentive Tokens: Incorporating Token Importance and Diversity for Efficient Vision Transformers”, CVPR, 2023
- Zhen Zhao*, Sifan Long*, Jimin Pi, Jingdong Wang $\dagger$, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, “Instance-specific and Model-adaptive Supervision for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation”, CVPR, 2023
- Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Xiaoxia Xing, Dong Xu, Xiangyu Kong, and Luping Zhou $\dagger$, “Conflict-Based Cross-View Consistency for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation”, CVPR, 2023
- Zhen Zhao, Meng Zhao, Ye Liu, Di Yin, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, “Entropy-based Optimization on Individual and Global Predictions for Semi-Supervised Learning”, ACMMM, 2023
- Sifan Long*, Zhen Zhao*, Junkun Yuan, Zichang Tan, Jiangjiang Liu, Luping Zhou, Shengsheng Wang $\dagger$, Jingdong Wang $\dagger$, “Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Mutual Leaning for Vision-Language Models”, ICCV, 2023
- Lihe Yang, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Yu Qiao, Yinghuan Shi, Hengshuang Zhao $\dagger$, “Shrinking Class Space for Enhanced Certainty in Semi-Supervised Learning”, ICCV, 2023
- Guan Gui, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, “Enhancing Sample Utilization through Sample Adaptive Augmentation in Semi-Supervised Learning”, ICCV (Oral), 2023
- Yue Duan, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, “Class Transition Tracking Based Pseudo-Rectifying Guidance for Semi-supervised Learning with Non-random Missing Labels”, ICCV, 2023
- Chen Ying, Zhen Zhao, Changyan Yi $\dagger$, You Shi, and Jun Cai. “An AoTI-driven joint sampling frequency and access selection optimization for industrial wireless sensor networks.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) 72, no. 9 (2023): 12311-12325.
- Bao-qiang Lao, Sumit Jaiswal, Zhen Zhao, Leping Lin $\dagger$, Junyi Wang, Xiaohui Sun, and S-L. Qin. “Radio sources segmentation and classification with deep learning.” Astronomy and Computing 44 (2023): 100728.
- Zhen Zhao, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, Lei Wang, Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, Yang Gao, “LaSSL: Label-Guided Self-training for Semi-supervised Learning”, AAAI (oral), 2022.
- Zhen Zhao, Luping Zhou $\dagger$, Yue Duan, Lei Wang, Lei Qi, and Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, “DC-SSL: Addressing Mismatched Class Distribution in Semi-supervised Learning”, CVPR, 2022.
- Guan Gui*, Zhen Zhao*, Lei Qi, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, and Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, “Improving Barely Supervised Learning by Discriminating Unlabeled Samples with Super-Class”, Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (spotlight), 2022
- Yue Duan, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Lei Wang, Luping Zhou, Yinghuan Shi, and Yang Gao $\dagger$. “Mutexmatch: semi-supervised learning with mutex-based consistency regularization.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) (2022).
- Chen Ying, Zhen Zhao, Changyan Yi $\dagger$, You Shi, and Ran Wang. “AoTI Minimization for Multi-Type Data Sampling in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks.” In 2022 IEEE 20th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), pp. 36-41. IEEE, 2022.
- Ziyuan Wang, Zhen Zhao, Lei Qi, Yinghuan Shi $\dagger$, Yang Gao. “ Adaptive Weight of Unreliable Relation Module for Semi-supervised Multi-label Image Recognition. ” IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligent Systems (CCIS), 2022.
Before 2021
- Zhen Zhao, Tao An $\dagger$, Baoqiang Lao, “VLBI network simulator: an integrated simulation tool for radio astronomers”, Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 207-216, 2019.
- Haoyuan Zhang, Zhen Zhao, Tao An $\dagger$, Baoqiang Lao, and Xiao Chen. “Pulsar candidate recognition with deep learning.” Computers & Electrical Engineering 73 (2019): 1-8.
- Tao AN $\dagger$, Sumit Jaiswal, Prashanth Mohan, Zhen Zhao, Baoqiang Lao, “A Cosmic Microscope to Probe the Universe from Present to Cosmic Dawn:Dual-element Low-frequency Space VLBI Observatory”, Chinese Journal of Space Science, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 242-249, 2019.
- Zhen Zhao, Shiwei Huang, and Jun Cai $\dagger$. “An Analytical Framework for IEEE 802.15. 6-Based Wireless Body Area Networks With Instantaneous Delay Constraints and Shadowing Interruptions.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) 67, no. 7 (2018): 6355-6369.
- Zhen Zhao, Shiwei Huang, and Jun Cai $\dagger$. “(Invited Paper) Energy efficient packet transmission strategies for wireless body area networks with rechargeable sensors.” In 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2017.
- Changyan Yi, Zhen Zhao, Jun Cai $\dagger$, Ricardo Lobato de Faria, and Gong Michael Zhang. “Priority-aware pricing-based capacity sharing scheme for beyond-wireless body area networks.” Computer Networks 98 (2016): 29-43.
- Zhen Zhao, Changyan Yi, Jun Cai $\dagger$, and Huijin Cao. “Queueing analysis for medical data transmissions with delay-dependent packet priorities in WBANs.” In 2016 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2016.
- Huijin Cao, Jun Cai $\dagger$, Attahiru Alfa, and Zhen Zhao. “Efficient resource allocation scheduling for MIMO-OFDMA-CR downlink systems.” In 2016 8th international conference on wireless communications & signal processing (WCSP), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2016.